43. Laura Galván 1 of 2 - 2021 Mexican Olympic Team Runner
Welcome back everybody - after a bit of a Summer break, we are back with new episodes of the podcast. As always, I am your host Troy Busot and right out of the gate we have a conversation with an amazing running who will be representing her home country of Mexico in the upcoming Olympics in Tokyo.
Imagine yourself at 11 years old. Growing up in a small town about 100 miles outside of Mexico City. And every day after school, you make your way to a crowded city bus that takes you the hour-long journey, solo, to running practice. For eight years, you do this, winning youth championships, and ultimately a full ride scholarship to Kansas State University, where upon arriving you know zero English, crash headlong into a whole new level of competition, deal with injuries and burnout, and ultimately set running aside to pursue a desk job.
That alone would have a made a great job, but in part 2 we'll talk about the 180 degree turn that life threw at our guest that takes her from a Boston Qualifying time at her first marathon in Seattle, to uprooting her entire life and relationship to move back to her home town and begin training again, falling flat on her face in her first test, only to break a 22 year old record in the outdoor 1500 meter run mere months later.
It's an inspiring and amazing story, so if you're ready for the show, crank it up and let's go!